Wednesday, 6 August 2014

What Does Tea Mean To You?

Recently, I was making a cup of tea and whilst I was waiting for the water to cool a little my thoughts focused on my late father, who was a tea addict. I recall one day over the Christmas period, when we were all off work and I can honestly say that the kettle was never cold that day. When I asked him (as a non tea drinker at the time) why he drunk so much of the "stuff" he just smiled and said 'it's like a friend. And I'd miss it if I could never drink it again".

(My Dad - a committed tea drinker)

Now, I can totally understand what he meant. Making tea is the first thing I do when I get up in the morning, it's the first thing I do when I get in after a day out and nothing is more precious then curling up with a good film and a steaming hot cup of tea or when you cup your hands around a warm mug after you've been out in the cold.

But for me, in strange way, tea has healing qualities that go beyond the physical. Yes, we all know that tea contains anti-oxidants which can help your body is so many ways, but the emotional benefits far outweigh anything else. Nothing is nicer then sitting, chatting with a friend whilst you sup on your favourite blend, no matter what the blend is.

Making tea takes time. You need to boil the kettle, let it infuse and it gives you a very valuable few minutes to relax and take stock of the day. In those stressful moments the very act of making tea, let alone the drinking of it, is a calming factor for me. It's routine and routine is something I find important.

Physically though, I love the warming effect tea has. It's comforting and it feels just like you're being hugged.

There is also something really lovely when you have high tea, serving cakes and freshly infused tea in a lovely teapot - carrying on a traditional that has been set for hundreds of years, and I hope it's a art that never dies out. But, through writing this blog I've spoken to so many tea lovers and am positive and hopeful that it will continue.

I can honestly say now, I would be lost without tea. Like my Dad said it's like a friend, like a hug in a mug. It can cheer me up when I'm feeling low, it's a great way to have lots of laughs with people I love, it intrigues me, draws me in and has opened up a world where I've met some really lovely, kind people.

Before I started to drink tea I would guzzle Cherry Coke by the bucket load. When I look back I think how horrible  a habit that used to be. I will never regret taking that first sip and stepping into the tea world.

I've gained lots of friends through tea and tasted some totally exquisite tea's. And for that, I consider myself a very blessed tea drinker.

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