Monday, 22 December 2014

Bluebird: Strawberry Lemonade

A year ago I was fairly enamoured with fruit tea's. I'd, with huge amounts of excitement, go and buy a couple of boxes a week, trying out any new flavour's I could get my hands on.

Sadly, that passionate stage seemed to melt away. There is nothing more lovely then a premium green tea that has fruit flavours added. But sincerely, a high quality black tea with a fruity edge is out of this world.

Yet, standard fruit tea's leave me flat. Sometimes they have a weird texture, sometimes the taste is a bit "off", but generally I find most lack any sort of oomph.

However, there are some exceptions to the fruit tea rule. If you pay a little bit more then you would normally you can, occasionally, find something really special.

I have heard from a very good friend about Bluebird Tea's Strawberry Lemonade fruit tea. My friend was highly positive about the tea. Having popped onto the internet I looked it up and the reviews highly recommended the tea, and Bluebird's own website said it sold well so I was more then tempted to buy some just to try.

I have ordered small amounts of tea from Bluebird tea previously. The tea is of exceptional quality and the orders always arrive speedily, so it didn't take much persuasion to purchase a small Strawberry Lemonade.

Strawberry Lemonade is truly very pretty indeed to look at. It contains, amongst other things, lemon, orange, sunflower petals and rosehip. But what catches your eye when looking at the tea, is the massive (and they really are MASSIVE) pieces of dried strawberry. And you get a lot of strawberry for your money as well.

I said in a previous post, when writing about Northern Tea Merchants Strawberry tea that I struggle with fresh strawberries because they make my lips swell. Having experienced dried strawberry in a cereal not so long ago, I knew I'd be okay because dried strawberries do not tend to cause me any trouble at all.

When measuring the tea to put into the infuser I was quite pleased to see that a little goes a long way! As the strawberry pieces are so large you only use small amounts of tea which is good as this, as I discovered later on, isn't a tea that can be re-infused.

This tea was really pretty to watch brew. It went from a pale pink colour, through to red and then, after the recommended time of four minutes was up, it was a dark scarlet colour. Whilst the tea was infusing there was a lovely fruity aroma too. Quite gorgeous, and that was even before I tried it.

Flavoursome is the only way I can describe this tea. The strawberry is so full and rich of flavour that it has dessert like qualities. The size of the strawberry pieces obviously enhanced the flavour. It is light, and summery and perfect for warm evenings.

Underneath the strawberry flavour there is a distinct taste of very sweet lemon, which obviously makes up the "lemonade" part of the tea. It's sweetness is balanced extremely well by the slight tartness of the strawberry. Sweet and sharp working together to make a perfect blend. Somehow, it does almost feel a bit "fizzy" so to speak. But if you want a totally refreshing, tasty and fun tea, Strawberry Lemonade is the one for you.

I really enjoyed every sup of this tea, and to my friend, Rebecca, you did not let me down in your recommendation. It's really fab!

As I said earlier in the blog, I am used to being able to re-infuse most tea's that I own, so I tried to re-infuse this tea, but it didn't work. It turned slightly pale pink and had no flavour so this is a one use only tea, however, I did not let that bother me. The tea is reasonably priced, and you have several options for the amount of tea you can buy, from sample sizes the give enough for 10 cups to 150g's (you even have a option to purchase in a tin). This tea is also available in tea temples too, so it's very convenient. I love how you can buy a sample size to try first, giving you the option then to purchase larger amounts, or, if you find this tea isn't for you you haven't lost too much!

I would fully agree with all of the recommendations and reviews that have positively praised this tea. For someone who doesn't naturally gravitate to fruit tea's I was hugely impressed by it. It's just so tasty and perfect for a light drink. I'm positive you'd like this tea, especially if strawberries are your thing.

Bluebird Tea's are available through their online shop and they have a physical shop in Brighton. So if you are in the area, pop in and have a look around. I'm sure you will not be disappointed with what they have for sale.

And do head for the Strawberry Lemonade. The many positive reviews can't be wrong!

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