Saturday, 21 March 2015

Twinings: Intensely Beetroot Burst

(Picture taken from Tesco's)

Today I have experienced something totally new in the tea world. A tea that not only I disliked from the very first sip, but also, a tea that I couldn't quite see the point of.  A tea that has left me thinking, what on earth was that all about?

My friend Rebecca from Brunette Lifestyle blog and I have recently swapped tea's and included in her lovely little parcel was two samples of Twinings new addition to their Intensely range - Beetroot Burst.

Beetroot Burst was a tea I've been interested in and have been waiting to try, but I have felt cautious about it, and haven't stumbled across anyway so I was really happy to have been given the chance to try it.

The tea is made up of two ingredients. Beetroot and blackcurrant. Firstly, I love beetroot. Be it in a salad or on a sandwich. I also like the tart, yet sweet, blackcurrant. A tea made in heaven?

When the tea was brewing I got the loveliest aroma of blackcurrant. It was very full on and quite lovely to smell. I also loved the deep red colour the tea takes when it's brewed.

(Visually, this is a stunning tea to look at)

So far it was looking good. A wonderful aroma and glorious blood red colour.

But then I took a sip and instantly knew it wasn't going to be a blend that I'd like. Firstly, the earthy flavour of the beetroot didn't sit well when infused in hot water. It had a strange, gritty like texture and felt really weird in the mouth. It was just very odd. I like beetroot, honestly I do, but this was just plain weird.

The saving grace of the tea was the gorgeous blackcurrant flavour which was sweet and enjoyable. But, once you got that lovely fruity hit, quickly after you got the earthy taste of the beetroot which just seemed to wipe out any enjoyment of this tea.

For the sake of this blog I did try to go with this tea, but three quarters through the mug I just had to give up. I couldn't like it no matter how hard I wanted to. And it was just undrinkable.

Of course, just like any tea from Earl Grey to Green Tea with Lemon, it's all down to personal taste. What one person will love another will hate, that's life. But, I just didn't seem to gel with this tea at all.

It felt like a novelty tea. Something that will come and go in a flash.

Don't get me wrong, I love tea companies who go out on limb and produce something different. Since I've been blogging I've tried lemonade tea, lemon sherbert tea, chocolate tea, chilli tea ... the list is endless.

But the difference is where those tea's felt natural and fun, this tea felt contrived, like Twinings are trying too hard to be different and that's how this tea comes across.

Twinings have produced some wonderful tea. My favourites range from Lady Grey to Rose Garden.
From the glorious Diamond Jubilee Blend to a recent hit - Plummy Earl Grey. But this tea just didn't hit the spot.

Of course, when you try it you may feel very different about this blend.

I'd love to hear your opinions. And I'm sure I will!


  1. Hi Laura

    I agree with your review. This is a awful infusion. Can't fault their Rhubarb and Blackcurrant Intensely tea.

    Instead of faffing around with stupid flavours like this they should concentrate on getting their "The Earl Grey" back up to standard. The past few boxes have lacked flavour that we are having to use two teabags per cup to get any flavour.

    In recent years they have changed their Earl Grey to "THE" Earl Grey. (The old Earl Grey is now a international blend that I have to get online). That immediately lacked flavour and now the quality has gone right down hill.

    After over forty years of drinking Twinings Earl Grey I'm on the verge of giving up and going online to purchase a better quality blend. It's such a shame Twinings have mucked around with Earl Grey so much over the years. So it doesn't impress me when they come out with flavours like this and are taking their eye off the ball when it comes to the money maker tea's.

    Mike Jardine.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Mike. If you are feeling upset about the change in Earl Grey or feel the quality is going down then please contact Twinings directly as they don't read this blog. Let them know what's bothering you. If they don't act on it then investigate Earl Grey from other suppliers (there are plenty of reviews on here! :-) ). But at least give them the chance to put it right!

  3. I have had four cups of this tea today I love it 😊😊😊😊

  4. My favourite tea - love it !!

    1. I'm glad you enjoy it! I think it's a very unique, love it or hate it blend!
