Wednesday 29 March 2017

Wise Owl Tea: Peruvian Azteca Fire

I will start my review of Wise Owl Tea's fabulous herbal blend, Peruvian Azteca Fire on a rather poignant note. Writing this review for a Wise Owl tea is making this blog come full circle. I started this blog in 2014. It came about for several reasons, a obsession with tea, a passion for writing (what I cannot say via my mouth will always come out in the written form!) and, at the time, it was a way of easing a terrible form of loneliness, as the person I was living with at the time has started to walk a different path to me, leaving me alone for hours on end, and which contributed later that year to me leaving.

Wise Owl tea was there, at the beginning, willing to send me samples to feature on this blog, creating more interesting and diverse content. From day one, I had fallen head over heels for their Bali Bamboo tea, and it remains a firm favourite, and that is from someone who doesn't really "do" herbal tea. I have a lot to thank Wise Owl (and other tea suppliers too!) for helping me out in the very beginning. A kindness I've never forgotten.

Just the other week I decided to treat myself to a caddy of Bali Bamboo and whilst leafing through the little leaflet that came with the tea noticed this superb Peruvian Azteca Fire blend that I had not tried. After a rather difficult few weeks at work, thought, well, I'll treat myself. Today it arrived and today I am reviewing it!

Sometimes in life, even us hard set traditionalists need something different in their life. As much as I love a solid Earl Grey, a girl sometimes needs a bit of spice in her tea drinking life, and with this  you get more then you bargained for!

 The blend comes in a beautiful silky pyramid. I will admit I am a huge fan of silky pyramids. I just love how they look and how they feel. And you can actually see what you're getting, and the bag is filled with a more than generous amount of ingredients!

As this is a herbal tea, the longer you can infuse this drink, the better. I infused it in the end for about six minutes as I was caught up on the phone, but that by no means detracted from the taste. The longer you can infuse this blend, I honestly think the more you will get from this tea.

Included in this tea are several ingredients: Ginger root, chilli, ginseng, lime flower and Cacao nibs.

From the very, very first sip this blend shocks your taste buds into life. As each flavour develops,  your tongue just experiences new sensations. It's a tea that is moreish, and honestly you just want cup after cup because it is so different. It takes you out of your tea drinking comfort zone, and it's alright to like something so very different to what you may normally take. Variety is the spice of life, and there is more variety and certainly spice in one cup of this blend then I have experience in anything else vaguely similar. (And I have experience plenty of tea's that have chilli and other spices in!)

Perhaps obviously, the first thing I encountered in this tea was the chilli. It certainly has some heat to it and makes a startling impression and even now I can feel it on my tongue! It's not so hot it burns you but  you certainly know that you're drinking a tea with it in, that's for sure!

What I love the most though is the ginger. It's just as spicy as the chilli but it adds a touch of subtle sweetness to the tea. I'm a bit of a fan of ginger in small amounts and I think it adds a depth of flavour to a tea that is full on. I have recently been drinking a iced tea that features ginseng so possibly due to that, but I could detect it in this tea which made a really pleasant addition as I LOVE the flavour of ginseng!

Another reason why I love this tea is you do get the distinct feeling that you are drinking something so very healthy that you will benefit from this tea, not only through it's gorgeous flavour, but that if you continue to drink it regularly you'll feel amazing. It certainly perked me up on a morning where I was feeling sluggish and finding it hard to get going!

As much as I champion Wise Owl's Bali Bamboo for it's subtle, herbal taste, I will champion this tea as something so vastly different that it stands alone as a good example of how creative thinking from tea manufacturers can create something utterly unique.

For as much as Bali Bamboo is an awesome tea to drink in the evening, so you can unwind after a stressful day, Peruvian Azteca Fire  is the perfect drink to get you going in the morning or to help you in that mid afteroon slump.

Honestly, it was a absolute pleasure to drink this tea. It may not be a every day tea, but it will be a tea that you can rely on to provide something extra special, different and just that little bit unusual.

Tea makes me happy, emotionally. This blend made my tongue happy with all of it's buzzing flavours. So, yes, I'm guess I'm just a happy Laura today!

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