Monday, 5 May 2014

Ahmad Pure Green Tea: Green Tea At It's Purest

If you had told me a year ago that I would be enjoying green tea, I would of said never! If you had said three months ago that not only would I love green tea but also drink it pure (unflavoured) I would of been even more sceptical!

As I mentioned in a earlier post, I was put off green tea many years ago by a badly brewed cup in St Bart's canteen. It was bitter, the leaves were burnt and it was just awful.

Then, earlier this year, fed up with the normal black tea's available in my local Tesco's, I made my first tentative steps into the world of green tea. I opted for three flavoured ones, apple and pear, peach and cherry blossom and orange and lotus flower.  And do you know what? I really loved them.

Since then, I've expanded even further, and my tea treat, the one thing I rely on is green tea with jasmine pearls.

Last week, Ahmad Tea kindly sent me a sample box of green tea. I have already tried the Lemon Vitality which was gorgeous. So, this evening, I stood and wondered what to try next and thought I'd go with Green Tea Pure.

I'm still a little nervous around pure green tea as it's such a strong tea and it has such a distinctive taste. But, I brewed it according to the instructions and have just sat down to taste it now.

Firstly though, I just wanted to show a picture of the little tag that comes on the string of the teabag. It's so classy!

So, what does it taste like?

It's absolutely delicious. Not at all bitter, it's mellow and gentle and smooth. 

It's incredibly tasty too, and the whole mug hasn't lasted too long! I enjoy green tea after my dinner, it seems to settle my stomach and is the perfect brew to end the day on. 

I loved the fact that this didn't taste grassy like some green tea's can. It was totally lovely.

Ahmad Pure Green Tea is made of high quality tea, and, I think that is the difference between a successful pure green tea and a downright awful one. As I've explained in previous blogs, it's vital to brew it properly, but you need a high quality tea in the first place to make the tea an enjoyable one. 

It is very tempting to buy cheap tea and expect top results. Green tea doesn't work like that. In order to enjoy it I honestly believe you need to buy the highest quality tea you can afford. That may sound snobbish, but that's the truth.

Of course, when it comes to flavoured green tea's it's slightly different. Supermarkets do their own brands and some of them are really nice (Morrisons Berry Green Tea is really nice). 

But, I digress ...

Ahmad's Pure Green Tea makes for a most satisfying brew. It's light and refreshing, calming and enjoyable. A little bit of luxury that is a real treat. 

I really enjoyed this. It's makes a perfect cup of Pure Green Tea. 

If you'd like more information then please check out Ahmad's fabulous online shop.


  1. Could you advise me please on the best way to prepare green tea? I keep trying and it always ends up so bitter. Thank you.


    1. Good evening, Shelly (or, afternoon - not sure where you live!).

      To prepare a decent green tea is not as easy as black tea. Here are the simple steps that I take which means I brew green tea that is delicious, unbitter and enjoyable.

      1 - Water: NEVER EVER pour boiling water straight onto green tea. What tends to happen is you burn the leaves, and that partly causes the bitterness. What I do is either boil the kettle and let it cool for a couple of minutes, or, remove the kettle just before it reaches boiling point.

      2 - Time the brewing process. Most green tea's only need a minute to two minutes. Some say three, but make sure you go no longer then three. I'd suggest two minutes. You have to be exact so buy a timer or use your phone if you can. It's worth it.

      3 - If using loose tea, don't reuse the leaves. Some makers say you can but in all my experience, it just tastes really bitter.

      Hope this helps, Shelly.

      Best wisehs
      Laura x

  2. I agree with Laura.

    I haven't yet crossed the "pure" green tea hurdle but certainly with flavoured green's the water temperature and brew time is crucial. Try Twining's salted caramel or gingerbread as they are sweet and get you accustomed to a green tea twang.

    I would not reuse a tea bag tea but I do do a second infusion for jasmine pearls, however the mug I use is quite small.

  3. Hi Tea & Teddy

    It's lovely to hear from you! I have to say everyone I know enjoys at least one green tea but nobody, except me, has crossed the pure hurdle. I can totally understand that, but honestly, I find pure green tea, when brewed correctly of course, makes for a wonderful tea.

    It's also very good advice to start with the Twinings range of green tea's. The gingerbread is fantastic. Also their Orange and Lotus Flower was what got me on to green tea. Fruity and delicate, it is lovely.

    I think ultimately, it's best to buy a sample of pure green tea, (Twinings sell them in individual envelopes) brew it carefully and see how you feel with it. It's much better to spend 20p on a single then £2 for a box!

    But, it's vital to brew properly. NO hot water and SHORT brewing times is the rule!
