Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Five Tea Items That Make My Tea Wish List!

Today, I was thinking about what tea and tea related items are on my wishlist. These are the things I do not own but honestly believe would enhance my tea drinking. In a ideal world, I'd buy all of these tomorrow. What sort of things would be on your list?

1. Clear Teapot.

 (photo sourced from google images)
I will admit that yes, I have a glass tea mug and a special glass for flowering tea's but the one tea item I'm missing and would kill for is a glass teapot. How fabulous it must be to watch your tea not only brew, but if your making something like jasmine pearls, see them uncurl as they brew. I know there are some cheaper glass teapots out there, so they need not be expensive!

2. Teasmade

Yes, I know, Teasmades are so 1974, but I can't help but love them. How wonderful it must be to wake up to a cup of tea that is already brewing without having to leave the comfort and warmth of your own bed. And, as you can see there are some funky designs out there too! The boyfriend isn't too keen on having one of these but I just love this model!

3. Tea Bin

I think Tea Bin's are a brilliant invention. If you don't like putting wet teabags directly into your rubbish bin (I hate the messy leaks if there is a hole in the bin bag) then they are a convenient and smart looking item to sit on your work top, and it's a marked improvement on my plastic bowl with a freezer bag invention! I am seriously going to look into this shortly!

4. An Endless Supply Of Twining's Jasmine Pearls. 

I know this is the most impossible of items on my wishlist, but would honestly love to have this tea in endless supply. I'd even like it on tap! It's just a perfect tea with a wonderful aroma, tangy taste and a lovely smooth feel to it! Honestly, I could bathe in the stuff if it were possible!

5. A Bodum Travel Mug

Wait ... I already have one! YAY! Well that is one item ticked off the list!

Do let me know what your ideal tea items are. I'd be interested to hear!


  1. I have lots of items on my tea wish list! Here's the ones that I'd really, really love to have :)

    1. A Yixing clay tea pot. They're beautiful Chinese teapots that I've fallen in love with. I like the ones that Crimson Lotus Tea sells: http://crimsonlotustea.com/collections/all/teapot

    2. A gaiwan. Again another Chinese steeping device, it's like a cup with a lid sitting in a saucer. There are many beautiful ones out there, but I'm rather particular in what designs I like. Verdant Tea, Harney and Sons and Camellia Sinensis Tea all have some lovely gaiwans.

    2. A bamboo tea flask, again something from Camellia Sinensis Tea. It's a metal travel mug sort of like your Bodum Travel mug, but is covered with bamboo on the outside. It's very beautiful: http://camellia-sinensis.com/en/teaware/bouteille-a-the-en-bambou

    3. A small glass sharing pitcher called a cha hai. I have a teeny glass teapot that I steep my finest teas in (fresh green teas, black tea jasmine pearls, oolongs) and teeny glass tea cups that I like to use it. Problem is, my teeny glass teapot holds more liquid than the glass tea cups hold, so for the time being I use a glass Pyrex measuring cup to prevent my tea from oversteeping. The cha hai would solve this problem as well and look more beautiful than the measuring glass.

    4. A bamboo tea tray would help complete my gong fu chai aspirations :) They're very lovely, but can be quite expensive.

    5. I bought for my boyfriend four years ago beautiful glass tea mugs by Bodum from a tea shop called DAVIDsTEA. They were wonderful, but broke due to careless room mates. I'd love to have some more as well as their lovely glass cups like the one that you have in varying sizes.

    6. Peet's Coffee and Tea's English and Irish Breakfast teas. I ordered their favourites sampler last Boxing Day while I was still employed and fell head over heels with those two in particular. I'd love to get full size tins of them.

    7. I'd love to own Whittard of Chelsea's Blue Chintz and Ascot Floral bone china tea wares someday. Those patterns really speak to me :). Oh, and I'd love to try their teas one day!

    And that is just a small portion of my tea wish list!

    1. Wow, what a fantastic list. I was REALLY interested to read about them all! I loved looking at the links and seeing what the items looked like. There are so many things we'd love to own for our tea collection isn't there?

      I left one vital thing off my list. A Twinings Royal Wedding Tea Caddy. In my dreams, perhaps!
