I know this is a little off topic, but, just wanted to spread the word that today is Small Business Saturday.
We all love chain shops and we need them to be successful so that our high streets flourish. We also know what large businesses do for the economy, too.
However, there are plenty of small, local and independent shops and businesses that provide good service, good value for money and fantastic products.
Relating this to tea, there are so many good small tea companies out there that provide not only unique and excellent customer service but most importantly sell good products.
I expect a lot of people like to drink the brands of tea they are used to. But on Small Business Saturday why not google some of the smaller companies out there and give them a go. You will, I can assure you, be pleasantly surprised.
In a former life I was self-employed in a small business. I know how back breakingly hard it is to run your own business. It's hard and stressful, but rewarding to. So, we should try and support those small businesses and give them every chance to succeed.
After all, from small acorns, mighty oaks grow.
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