Monday, 19 January 2015

Bluebird Tea: Dozy Girl

Just before Christmas I decided to treat myself (and mum!) to a few new blends to enjoy over the festive period. I purchased from Bluebird Tea a good selection of tea's and included with my order was this sample. Dozy Girl is a herbal tea that contains chamomile, lavender and rose. It's designed to help relax you and help you sleep.

Last weekend I decided to use the sample and make a nice brew. I love tea's with floral tones so was looking forward to this with interest.

As you can see it's a gorgeous looking blend with plenty of colour: pink, green and yellow.

I brewed the tea for around three minutes. It smelt absolutely divine throughout the brewing process. The floral scent that filled the kitchen was marvelous.

I will admit that I am not keen on chamomile and cannot drink it by itself but I've had one or two infusions where it's included and I didn't mind it mixed with other ingredients so I wasn't put off. I was interested to see how lavender and rose worked together - I love them separately - but never mixed the two together.

As I've already said, this is a incredibly aromatic tea and it's pleasant to be around, let alone to taste!

The flavours in this tea are incredibly rich and soothing. I will admit I was  pleased (and if I'm honest relieved) that I couldn't taste much of the chamomile. The strongest flavour for me is the lavender, it's full and upfront and isn't at all shy.

When I took the first sip the lavender came through nicely but just underneath, and a bit slow to emerge, came the lovely rose flavour. It's very delicate and a little less easy to detect then the lavender but it's still a pretty addition to this tea. There is a very slight element of Turkish Delight to this tea.

I found though, about half way through the cup the lavender became quite strong and I was left with a lavender taste in my mouth for some time after drinking, but, that wasn't too big a problem, but this could be off putting if you took too much of this tea.

The name of the tea - Dozy Girl - so needless to say this is a herbal tea that is designed to unwind, relax and de-stress you before going to bed. Not to do things normally, I prepared this in the afternoon and I don't know if I exactly felt relaxed after drinking it, but, it was still enjoyable nonetheless. However, if I had taken this tea when wrapped up in bed, just before I wanted to sleep it probably would of helped me drift off to the land of nod!

I really liked this tea. It had the potential to be a bit perfumey like some floral tea's can be, but this really isn't. It feels, and tastes, natural. Nothing artificial about this blend.

In addition, it's really satisfying actually, more so then I thought it would be.

Would I purchase this tea in a full pack? I'm not so sure. That's not a reflection on the quality of the tea, which is wonderful, more, it's not the sort of tea I'd drink everyday. But I was really glad to have been able to try it.

I do have trouble sleeping from time to time. Would this tea help me drop off during moments of insomnia? I would say so yes. It would be worth a go, and if it doesn't work you'd still have a wonderful tea to enjoy.

I'm really glad to have been able to drink this tea. And this is certainly the tea for you if you like herbal or floral tea's. 

1 comment:

  1. YAY! A review of a blend I've tried over here in Canada. My best friend visited Bluebird when in the UK and brought me this back. It's a awesome tea and it does help me sleep. I do prefer Twinings floral range (Lavender) though. But this is delicious too. Juliette.
