Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Brew Tea Co: Earl Grey

I will readily admit that I love Earl Grey. And as you may or may not of noticed it appears quite frequently on here!

When I was younger Earl Grey was one of those awful tea's that we were made to drink when visiting my father's aged  aunts in Southend. Of course, as a ten year old girl who would much rather drink some colourful Panda Pops monstrosity, I could never of really, truly appreciated the gorgeousness of a wonderful Earl Grey.

As we grow up and mature so do our tastes in all things, and now, Earl Grey is one of my upmost favourite blends. And I have tasted some gorgeous ones, and some rather horrid, oily ones.

When my friend, Rebecca, from Brunette Lifestyle sent me some fabulous Christmas presents, she included a few samples of tea that I could try before the big day. The samples included Brew Tea Company's rather lovely Earl Grey teabags.

This afternoon I decided to try the Earl Grey.

This is a really wonderful blend of Earl Grey. It's exceptionally light and perfect for an afternoon tea.

The base tea is a Sri Lankan black tea and added into the tea is the traditional bergamot (it wouldn't be Earl Grey without it) as well as orange peel and calendula.

Firstly, as much as it's light and airy it's a very full bodied tea, with a delicate taste. The bergamot, though present is very light - this isn't one of those Earl Grey's that is highly flavoured. Sometimes it's really nice to have a tea that has a strong citrus taste but at times that can be quite overpowering, especially with some of the cheaper tea's available.

However, with Brew Teas blending, you do get to experience the very lovely Sri Lankan tea that is used as the base and it's flavoursome but, at the same time, you can still enjoy the zesty zing you get when citrus flavour's are added.

One of the many joys of taking tea black is you get to experience every facet of the tea you are drinking. From the flavour of the base tea to the flavour of the things that are added to the tea. And you get to experience how the tea is blended and this is a pleasant, evenly blended tea.

If you like your Earl Grey to have a strong bergamot taste, this may not be the Earl Grey for you. However, if you like your Earl Grey delicate, well balanced and well blended this is perfect.

Oh, and I almost forgot to add that the teabag is absolutely crammed full of tea. Brew Tea obviously do not scrimp on how much tea they put into their bags.

I have to say I'm a complete novice when it comes to Brew Tea. I had heard of them via Twitter but as of yet not ordered from them. But I will say I was hugely impressed with their Earl Grey.

And if they pass the Earl Grey test, which they have done, then they are worthy of investigating further!


  1. Hi - I'm from New York and buy Twinings International range and drink their Earl Grey in the yellow box. I see you have reviewed that, is that tea similar to this?

  2. Thank you for your comment!

    I would say it is not nearly as strong as the Earl Grey you mention, which is known as Earl Grey Classic over here.

    If you read this blog:


    Scroll down to the bottom where it says Earl Grey silky pyramids. Now, I wasn't very complimentary on that Earl Grey because it was just not the sort of thing I like, however, Brew Tea is more similar to that then the Classic Earl Grey.

    However, the difference being that Brew Tea has a fantastic base tea and is blended far better. It's more flavoursome, too.

    Hope this helps!
    P.S - Love the Classic one that you drink. Very moreish!

  3. Gotcha, thank you!

  4. I really love the Earl Grey in the yellow box. It's commonplace here and is very tasty. I don't like The Earl Grey from Twinings in the black and purple box. Not nearly as nice as the international blend. - Juliette.

  5. Hello Juliette - happy new year to you!

    Years before I started to drink tea, apparantly, the Classic International blend was what we had in the UK and Twinings changed it (not for the better I feel) to The Earl Grey. It caused uproar and I can understand why!

    Do you get The Earl Grey in Canada also?

  6. We don't commonly have The Earl Grey in Canada but I did have sachets of it in my hotel room when I visited London last year. It was just so.. blurgh, but thankfully managed to get hold of some Classic EG when we visited the Twinings shop on the Strand - Juliette.
