Sunday, 1 February 2015

Musing Over Tea.

(My Dad with my two brothers - as you can tell by the brown's and oranges it was the seventies!)

This evening I was nursing a nice, hot cup of tea and thinking about my late Dad. I've mentioned him a few times on here, and he was, just like his father was, a tea addict.

At Christmas times, for instance, when he wasn't working our kettle was never cold. I remember, quite vividly, a few years before he died, the kettle blowing up at 5.00 the Saturday before Easter Sunday and the sheer panic spreading across his face at the prospect of having no kettle for an entire day.

When I was a child I amused my Dad because I had inherited my mum's spark. I will admit I was stubborn as a mule and wouldn't, for instance, apologise if I thought I right, even if that meant a telling off from one or both of my parents.

One day, my Dad called me into the living room and told me somebody had written a song about me. Of course they hadn't, but my Dad thought that Tom Petty's "I Wont Back Down" was very appropriate for me! Here is the song if you haven't heard it. It's fab and the video stars another love of my life, George Harrison.

Tom Petty: I Won't Back Down

You see, this is why I love tea. It holds such happy memories for me, with each sip I can think of a thousand memories of my parents, my childhood and all the happy times I've had in my life. And while I drink it, I plan all the things that will make happy memories in the future, too.

I know this is a little bit of a soppy post, but it just shows the power of tea. Well, for me, at least.

I've often said it's more then a drink for me. And I'd be utterly lost without it.


  1. Aww... that was a very sweet and wonderful post. It's great to have such good memories of your Dad and connect them with your current life and your love for tea. :)

  2. Thank you Kamyria! Yes, I often think of Dad when I have a cup of tea. Just five minutes out of the day when I know I can think of the happy times. Mind you what he'd think of my "fancy" tea's I have no idea! :-)
