Thursday, 12 February 2015

Why It's Worth Broadening Your Tea Horizon's

Just the other week I wrote about how, after years of disliking Lapsang Souchong, I had enjoyed a cup of fresh Lapsang that was sent to me by the lovely folk at Teavivre.

For years I had hated the stuff. I had tried Twinings version of the blend and it was not to my tastes. In fact, it reminded me smoked kippers! I never thought I'd willingly sit down and drink a mug but that is exactly what I did. And I enjoyed it.

Of course, had I not summoned up the courage to actually try the blend after all those years I'd be missing out on something really marvelous.

By nature, I am a creature of habit. I like what I like and I'm hard to budge. I gain my security from routine, from keeping familiar things around me and I rarely step out of my comfort zone. It's a big world out there and sometimes, I'll admit, I'm a bit scared of it! Though sometimes I do surprise myself and do something exciting and normally end up thoroughly enjoying myself!

However, when it comes to tea, I love experimenting. Trying new things. Experiencing new brands. And I think it's important to do so because there is just so many lovely tea's out there that to have a closed mind is to deny yourself something wonderful.

Before I started this blog I would have one or two different types of tea and would stick with them but it wasn't very long before I realised that it's okay to take a break from my favourite tea and dip my toe into the water see what else was out there.

Nothing can quite describe the feeling that I get when a new tea pops through the door. It's akin to how some women are when they buy a new pair of shoes or a new handbag. For instance today I ordered two new tea's from my favourite teashop, Northern Tea Merchants,  and I literally cannot wait to receive them so I can plug in the Sage tea maker and experience whatever delights the tea will reveal.

On the internet there are hundreds of tea companies, all with some marvelous, exotic and downright sexy tea's on sale. There are black tea's, green tea's, white tea's, oolong, fruity and herbal. The world is your oyster, practically every taste is catered for.

But that is not to say you should discard your favourite, comfy brew. After all there is nothing nicer then snuggling down with a cup of Yorkshire Gold, Tetley ... or whatever your choice blend is. We all like familiar things and that is just lovely.

I have never, ever regretted trying different types of tea. At times it has been expensive, sometimes that blend I waited anxiously to arrive turns out to be a let down. Occasionally I have brought tea on a friends recommendation and realised it wasn't for me.

But, oh, tea is so much fun! And you may hit on the odd dud but I can promise you that for every tea you try that you may not like you'll find at least five you will love.

The tea world is massive. And it can be confusing at times. You may hear a lot of talk about oolong, puer and not know where to start. But that's where experimenting is so much fun.

So enjoy the tea world and enjoy trying all those new things. It's fun out there!

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