Wednesday 12 November 2014

My Other Love In Life (After Tea)

I may, (or may not!) have mentioned on here that I am mad on George Harrison. Absolutely love him, he is second to none musically, my absolute idol, hero, and his music is something I enjoy curled up in bed, on the ipod with a cup of tea at my side. I'd say I'm slightly obsessed with the cheeky mop top.

I also love meme's. I found this one.

Now, I've seen so many funny meme's of George drinking tea. I have heard he was a tea addict (well before he found stronger stimulants!) as were all the Beatles.

But I cannot add anything else to the caption of this picture. George and tea. Perfect!

So, not strictly a tea review, but just a little glimpse into the world of the girl who writes the blog!

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