Sunday, 6 April 2014

Say Hello To Bluebirds Exotic Mojitea!

Bluebirds Mojitea is one of the most exotic tea blends I have come across. I don't drink alcohol at all, but I do know that a Mojito contains mint, lime and white rum. So, this is a briliant take on the classic cocktail.

You may wonder why there is a distinct lack of mint tea reviews on here. Well, it's for several reason's really. I am not keen on mint tea. Whenever I've tried some in the past, it's made me feel ill or has turned my stomach. I'm been scared off it really for the past ten years or so. But, as I've got older, I'm willing to try any new tea. As in the case of Rose Garden, your tastes can change as you age.

Mojitea has a green tea base, with peppermint and lime ingredient's. I've picked this tea up and put it down several times, but today, whilst waiting for the beef stew to cook, thought I would finally give it a go.

When brewing the mint came through straight away. Hmm, not too good, I was thinking. But, not to waste the teabag, sat down to give it a try.

I brewed this tea for three minutes exactly (followed the instructions!) and watched it brew from a clear liquid to a light green one.

Gingerly, and I mean very gingerly, I took my first sip. And you know what, it wasn't too bad. I took another, waiting for that familiar stomach in knots feeling I usually get, but it didn't happen at all.

The prominent flavour is mint, but you do get the very sharp flavour of lime come through quite strongly and clearly. I liked the two elements of this tea, because both are very strong flavours, but, compliment each other wonderfully.

Even though this is a green tea, you cannot taste it, so if you'd like to have the health benefits of green tea without the strong taste, this may be a good blend for you.

Mojitea is very refreshing for the palate and it would be excellent to drink after a heavy meal. It's refreshing and perfect for a hot summers day. It would also make the most perfect iced tea too. In fact, out of all the tea's I've tasted recently, it's the best candidate for cold tea.

Surprisingly, for a tea that has three strong flavours: green tea, mint and lime, it leaves no strong aftertaste, either, which is nice, as a tea that repeats on you doesn't make for comfortable drinking!

I'm really glad that I got the chance to try this exotic blend. It's very different and it's an awesome idea to bring famous cocktails and match them up to teas.

Would I try this tea again? Probably not. It's not that I didn't like it, I did. And I actually finished the cup, which I could never normally do with mint tea. But, for me, the taste of the mint reminded me of hot chewing gum and it just wasn't my ... cup of tea!

Don't get me wrong, this is not an unpleasant tea. In fact it's rather nice. But mint tea isn't for me. But if you like mint and lime or if you like Mojito's, then I think you'll really like it.

I would really recommend giving it a go. You may just like it!

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