Sunday, 23 February 2014

Ginger Bread Indulgence, Caramelised Apple and Salted Caramel: Why This Could Be Twinings Greatest Launch Yet

I first started drinking Twinings four years ago, so I'm a relatively new convert. But, in that time, I've seen the launch of several different ranges. From the annual Christmas product line, which has been hugely successful, to the ever popular Sensations range (now renamed as "Intensely"). From the revamped fruit and herbal range, to special editions such as Diamond Jubilee, Delicate Earl Grey and the "Royal Birth" range.

So whenever Twinings teasingly announce that something new is coming, the comments section goes crazy on Facebook, and you can almost hear the collective foot shuffling whilst we all wait for what it is.

I have never seen the sort of excitement, praise and general hub bub that the new range of green teas has caused, on any of their other launches. The Sensation range is incredibly popular, but, as far as I can gather via social media, it's been a slow burner. People are loyal to the range, once they discovered it. They enjoy it, but not all of the flavours were available in all supermarkets so it's taken some time for people to experience the full set.

With the new green tea range however, people have instantly gone mad for the blends. It's been limited to Tesco's and Waitrose stores, and this limited availability, I think, has only added to the intense interest. I myself, traveled over three hours this weekend to purchase the set, only to find the supermarket had sold out. I was really annoyed by this, unusually for me, and felt incredibly frustrated that I couldn't get my hands on any.

And I'm not the only person to feel like this. One person on Facebook commented that he had gone to all of his local supermarkets and could not find a single box. His disappointment was palpable.

What has caused all of this mania? There are several reason's.

I think Twinings blenders are geniuses. They have created three totally individual and unique flavours that you will not find anywhere else. Ginger Bread Indulgence, Caramelised Apple and Salted Caramel. These are flavours that will suit those with both a sweet tooth and people who prefer savoury elements.

In addition, Twinings have been very smart with the timing of the launch. They have taken full advantage of the post Christmas "loose weight, get healthy" mentality. Green tea has many health benefits, so by using green tea, and launching it now, it's extremely appealing to those who feel they want to do something positive for their bodies.

Of course, these tea's have the usual high standard of quality that you can expect from Twinings. For a tea company to do these sort of unique teas well, they have to know how to do the basic's. There is no point releasing something like Ginger Bread Indulgence if you can't produce a decent Lemon and Ginger or Earl Grey. Twinings have the basic's covered, and I think this means they can take time to invest in new lines.

I was fortunate enough to have been sent some samples of these tea's. I enjoyed them all very much. Ginger Bread Indulgence was my favourite, but that's not to say I didn't enjoy the other two because I truly did. But, like most ranges, there are always some flavours that just appeal to you a little bit more then the others.

I really hope that Twinings release these teas and stock them in Morrisons, Asda and Sainsburys, so that more people can experience them. I think they will be doing themselves a huge injustice if they don't. This tea NEEDS to be reached to as many people as possible. The lack of availability in the shops that do stock them goes to show how popular it is. Suppliers are struggling to keep up with demand.

Well done Twinings on releasing, what I feel, is your best new range yet. Here's hoping that many more people will enjoy it's qualities too!


  1. Really enjoyed this post. I have struggled to find these teas and have now given up totally. It's a shame that it's not been released into all of the major supermarkets but I've put an order in online. I agree with you I do love it when Twining's release new lines as they are generally really lovely teas. I can't wait to try them. Hope they are worth the wait.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

    I agree that it has been frustrating not being able to find these teas, but you will find the wait worthwhile, I promise you that.

    Enjoy your tea and I'd love to hear your comments.
