Thursday, 13 February 2014

Sorry For No Blog Yesterday

Hi Everyone

I usually blog everyday.

We had a bit of a hairy night here in the North West last night. Winds reaching 52 mph and heavy rain meant that, as I live near to a promenade, things were ... interesting.

We've lost our tv aerial, the strong wind has pushed a bit of water in through the bedroom wall and we have a slightly lifted roof tile. But, compared to others we are so lucky.

As it's still gusty tonight, I'm not sure if I'll be blogging, but I'm hoping to - I have raspberry and dragon fruit to discuss!

Please check back this evening or tomorrow. There will be new content added shortly!

Laura x


  1. I live in the North West too! I've lost my bin! I curled up on the couch with Twinings Blackcurrant Rhubarb :)


  2. Hi Rebecca. It's awful isn't it? Our bins blew over and nearly six weeks of recycling (jars, bottles etc) ended up all over the garden! Where abouts are you? I'm in Anchorsholme, which is next to Cleveleys, just past Blackpool. Apparantly, the winds were nearly 100mph, (I've only just learned this!). Hope your baring up okay.
